Athletic Staff


Athletic Director

John Kontak


Mr. Kontak is in his 3rd year as Athletic Director at Glendale Prep. 


As GP's Athletic Director, Mr. Kontak's primary responsibilities include overseeing coaching staffs, monitoring athletic budgets & finances, finalizing high school game schedules, supervising home events, coordinating Meet the Team Nights & Awards Nights and Weekly Blast summaries, along with the general day-to-day athletic needs. Mr. Kontak also represents GP at all Great Hearts and Arizona Athletic Association (AIA) athletic regional and state meetings.


Mr. Kontak also serves as the Head Coach of the Middle School Boys' Basketball A-Team.


email for Mr. Kontak →


Assistant Athletic Director

Noah Roundy '18



Mr. Roundy is a 2018 graduate of Glendale Prep and enters his 2nd year in the Athletic Office as Assistant Athletic Director.


As part-time Assistant A.D., Mr. Roundy's responsibilities in the Athletic Office include supervising home events, organizing middle school game and practice schedules, auditing athlete's Big Teams eligibility, social media administration and gym scheduling & gym rentals, along with general day-to-day athletic needs.


Mr. Roundy also serves as half-day Archway P.E. Teacher and is the High School Head Varsity Boys' Basketball Coach.


email for Mr. Roundy →


A-Assistant Athletic Director

Tom Kontak